February 26, 2009 - 1 comment.

To Sail or Row

Leading a band and being in vocational ministry is an incredibly rewarding and taxing task. I have often thought long and hard about our role in the ministry we dedicate ourselves to. Specifically, the cosmic balance between relying on God and being a good steward with what He has given us. Resting and working. Waiting and acting. Watching and building.

There are some that have affected the course of worship in the church that have "fallen" into their role. They woke up one day and were writing the songs that churches would sing everywhere. Others have worked hard for years (or longer) and finally gotten traction where they made lasting contributions in their local church expression as well as abroad. Much of this topic has to do with calling and integrity, but for simplicity, I often see a word-picture.

The analogy I use is that of a small boat.

Some have awoken to a strong wind and realized that they were en route to a place requiring means much bigger than themselves. These are those that sail.

Others have with blistered hands grabbed the oars and paddled on God's strength towards the destination that God put in their heart. These are those that row.

As best I can tell, many have been used for impactful ministry in both camps.

Neither is superior, and I do not intend to make a value judgment on either. I would say that I am trying to paddle while praying for a strong wind. The tragedy is that no promise has been made by God, or can be made by man, that the rowing will realize the vision of one's heart. The beauty is that there is nothing more worthy of us dipping our oars and laying in to our task with all our might. By His strength we can get to where He wants us...a far superior destination.

Published by: Donald in Devotions, Uncategorized


March 4, 2009 at 12:05 am

Hm… apparently the girls didn’t get the memo on wearing stripes that evening… congrats Kristin!

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