"The average church-goer will give you 54 hours of their attention annually. Your worship leader will get 18-27 of those hours. Developing that leader is a no-brainer."
What is coaching?
Coaching is a one-on-one relationship of intentional investment that helps leaders identify and accomplish their personal and ministry goals. Through conversations one-on-one or with teams, in person or on Facetime, I come alongside music and arts leaders to move past the "stuck-points" they may be experiencing in their ministry. If you're interested in growing as a music or arts leader, have questions, or want pricing contact me and I'll get right back to you.
Some of the most common questions I get are:
- "How do I make our Sunday gatherings better?"
- "How do I find more musicians and artists?"
- "I have a difficult volunteer/team member/pastor...what do I do?"
- "How do I write songs for my church?"
- "How can I get our music and art to support the sermons?"
- "How can I grow in my confidence and clarity when speaking on stage?"
If any of these sound familiar and you'd like to move forward, let's chat.
How does coaching practically work?
The coaching experience involves 2 coaching appointments per month. You'll have my undivided attention. Appointments run 60-90 minutes and can happen face to face, via Facetime, or on the phone. Distance is not an obstacle. In fact, coaching is extremely effective via Facetime. Most of my coaching relationships go at least 6 months of coaching at a time. Quarterly reviews ensure that your investment is producing results. In the beginning of the coaching process we will set coaching goals unpacking where it is that you want to grow and what it is that you want to accomplish. At the end of the term, we review goals and the client sees that you have accomplished far more than they would have without a coach!
Why do you do coaching?
If honoring Christ is the primary purpose of worship ministry (which it is), then how we worship really matters. I've come alongside dozens of leaders over the years to help them lead worship more effectively, build a plan, and walk in faithfulness in light of their unique gifting.
- 19 years of experience leading worship (well over 1,000 church services!)
- toured and played in churches across dozens of denominations all over the country
- helped plant a church that went from a bible study of 20 to a multi-site church of 3,000 people
- recorded 6 albums and had two national radio singles
- spoken in regional and national conference break-outs
- published writings on worship culture, structures, and leadership
Developing leaders brings me great joy. Helping others improve how they do what they care about is a privilege. Ultimately, I coach because it's a powerful way to make much of Jesus. I would be honored to help you use music and the arts in a way that's theologically informed and practical for your context.
Feedback from worship leaders:
"For less than the cost of traveling to a single conference, you gave me customized training and personal attention for 6 months...and it was 100 times more practical than any conference I've been to. This has been exactly what I needed."
"I've been to a lot of conferences but your breakout on reaching artists during the Verge conference was the best session at a conference I have experienced."
Who is music and arts coaching meant for?
Coaching is for ministry leaders that want to move ahead and aren't happy growing stagnant. I typically work with worship leaders, pastors and volunteers in churches from 20 people to 5,000 (or those who wish to build up these kinds of leaders). Coaching is an investment in the leader and the organization. If you could dramatically improve your leadership, such that your fellow leaders, volunteers, and congregation took notice, would you devote the time and money to make that happen?
What's the cost?
Individual Track:
(10% discount for Acts 29 and SOMA leaders available)
Email me for current rates.
In this format, we'll spend one-on-one time twice a month working together to determine the most important goals and areas of growth for the season ahead of you. Through a combination of phone conversations, videos you provide of your on-stage leadership, and strategic planning we will assess and plan the way forward for your context and particular skill-set.
- 6 months of unlimited coaching.
- 2 scheduled appointments per month.
- Unlimited email support.
- On-call coaching support. Call backs within 48 hours.
- Up to 2 video reviews per month with action steps for improvement.
1-3 Day Workshop: $2000 / day + travel
Based on the needs specific to your ministry, I'll build a customized plan to address areas of needed growth and run a series of break-out sessions with your leaders and volunteers. Everyone who attends will leave with clear goals and action items to implement and give attention to. Teams love learning together, and the tools I provide stay with you after I leave! This is a great way to invest in your music or arts team.
Improve Your Sundays
If you'd like help improving the quality of your Sundays, raising up better worship leaders, or building out your worship ministry, then coaching is right for you. Apply here.
Leader Feedback

"Donald has always been on my list of people who I very much want speaking into my life and worship ministry. He's been an incredibly insightful voice with strategies and structures that encourage team helath and maturity."
Joel Limpic - Park Church - Denver, CO

"Donald has been a unifying leader among worship leaders in the Acts 29 Network for years now. He possesses the rare gifts of an artist’s eye, a musician’s ear, a creative mind, and a pastor’s heart. The church and her leaders have benefited greatly...I know I have."
Matt Stevens - Vintage Church - Raleigh, NC

“Donald makes long-distance coaching effective…He cares genuinely about my growth as a leader and my growth in my relationship with Christ, with every meeting being centered around the gospel. I appreciate his wisdom, creativity, and insight when it comes to working with a team. I’ve grown as a worshipper, as a worship leader, and am more confident in my identity in Christ because of our time together.”
Sarah Spraker - Calvary Baptist - Helena, MT

"In watching Donald in the studio environment, I watched him coach while creating. He balanced his team’s drive for creativity while considering what would best connect with their people. His coaching never feels forced but comes as it should: a disciple of Jesus bringing along other disciples."
Kyle Lent - Austin Stone - Austin, TX

"Donald helps worship leaders find their voice and discover their value as leaders. His guidance still inspires me years later to lead others clearly and creatively."
Scott Gayer - Journey the Way - Wichita, KS

"Donald is a leader who successfully teaches the importance of both heart and talent when it comes to leading worship. He is one of the rare artists that not only functions but thrives in leading an organized and structured ministry."
Evan Butler - Living Stones Churches - Sparks, NV