August 12, 2008 - No Comments!


We are in the studio today making drums and they sound awesome.

Our buddy Tyler is letting us use his studio in Houston to track the drums, because the acoustics and natural tones of drums here in this downtown vintage home are superior. The drum beats are making this old house shake something fierce...I wonder if it has ever felt such stunning resonance run through its beams.

The final picks thus far for Zimmerman's new record are:

1. "At The Cross"
2. "Sounds Like Home"
3. "After the Fade"
4. "New"
5. "Get You There"
6. ??? (Maybe "King and a Friend", maybe "He Is Near", maybe a yet unfinished idea)

This record is starting off wonderfully. Keep watching for updates.

Published by: Donald in NEWS & UPDATES, Uncategorized

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