This time of year everyone is recalibrating. The end of a year is always rich with introspection, and remembering what goals or plans we had for the last year that happened or fell away. If you listen to what drives that in most people, you can hear the guilt they carry from looking back over the last year and realizing a bit of what 2 Peter 3:8 means when it says, "that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Time passes quickly, particularly when looking back. I've heard the refrain from seasoned parents that parenting is "long days and short years". That's true in many ways for all of us, regardless of whether we've had children.
This song came out around the same time I entered worship ministry (2000ish). It didn't make a huge splash, but it stuck with me. It's a beautiful prayer for any believer that feels the weight of new beginnings. It's a plea that God would recenter us and strip away the distractions we amass so that we can live in such a way that our purpose is clear, and our lives would not be wasted. I want that for myself. Every New Years, this song does a significant work in me, and I would invite you to listen in and let it do the same for you.
Published by: Donald in Uncategorized