August 7, 2013 - 1 comment.

Worship Resources Pt 1: Auditions

Worship Band/Team Audition Kit

I know you probably have more worship leaders and volunteers than you know what to do with.

But most churches I know are struggling to get worship leaders and volunteers identified, recruited, trained, and discipled.  Worship team member recruiting is tough.  It's demanding in terms of time and specific in terms of gifting…and that's not even considering the expectations on a music leader.  In many ways, we are asked to be a theologically trained, public speaking, musically inclined entrepreneur. 

At Living Stones Churches, through years of experimenting and making mistakes left and right, we have a pretty robust and thorough process of getting new worship volunteers and leaders on board and on stage.  We'll be posting several documents we use to train leaders and build bands.  None of this is a replacement for relational discipleship, but it's a good system to get you rolling on developing and assessing what you have now, and clarifying what you want for the future.  They are living documents for sure...they are changing all the time.

If you find this helpful, be sure to leave a comment!

Download the "Worship Band/Team Audition Kit" for no charge here.


Joel Limpic
September 20, 2013 at 2:20 am

Got to meet Donald a few years ago and much of what he’s learned at Living Stones & implemented has been of help to myself and other worship leaders… Take time to sort through these great resources!

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