Archives for May 2024

May 13, 2024 - No Comments!


For the mothers of our church, who show us the sacrifice and service of Jesus,
We praise you, O Lord; and bring you thanks today.

For those with mothers who have cherished and nurtured us:
We praise you, O Lord; and bring you thanks today.

For those who grew up without a Mom,
or a mom that brought more harm than care
you stayed by our side, and offer your healing even today,
We praise you, O Lord; and bring you thanks today.

For the other relatives and friends who have filled in
where mother's were absent or couldn't be there,
We praise you, O Lord; and bring you thanks today.

For the Church, who like a mother, nurtures us in the life of the Spirit.
We praise you, O Lord; and bring you thanks today.

Bless all of our mothers
Make us grateful for their goodness.
Help our children respond to them in loving obedience;
help our husbands to cherish them in marriage,
and strengthen our single moms that carry a heavy load.
Minister to those who have experienced loss,
and for those longing to become mothers,
bless their wishes and breathe your peace on them as they wait.
