July 2, 2024 - No Comments!


We recently walked through, arguably, the most familiar parable in the New Testament. Even though we may find it familiar, it's very possible we have a missed Jesus' central point. It is not first and foremost about the size of the younger brother's sin, but the contrast of how the father and the older brother, respond to the younger brothers return.

Read this slowly.

God has immense joy in redeeming sinners.

As you gather for worship this Sunday, start by remembering the way God celebrated when we first received his grace. Remind ourselves that this passion doesn't wane. We haven't burned up our chances.

Listen to the words of the second verse 2 of an equally ubiquitous song, "How Great Thou Art":

And when I think, that God His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin

How many of us have skipped too quickly past that word, "gladly". It's incredibly important, and captures what the scriptures teach over and over again. That God is not hesitant or apprehensive or annoyed to meet us in our weakness and serve our needs, not just our daily nourishment but even to die in our place because of our inability to save ourselves. God does not despise you. God is not frustrated with you. He has immense joy in redeeming you and watching you each day, even on those days that are more filled with struggle than victory.

Published by: Donald in Uncategorized

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